Thursday, July 3, 2008

Remeber that new ps2 model i was talkin about

Europe and India have been confirmed for getting this new ps2 model later
this year. bummer Americans never get anything first well i cant wait to get a hand on this thing when its comes over seas.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

TGN's Coverage of E3

TGN Will be covering All the hot E3 Topics Starting July 14th 2008

Sony Is going To Release Another Ps2 model

After some googling around we heard that sony is planning to release another ps2 model. they are calling it a higher end version they say its going to be slimmer,and sleeker. well you know what this means sony is starting to get it through thier head that they are not going to win the gens console war. they are losing money therefor they want to see the all time best selling console, in homes of more people. the ps3 is not doing anything,hopefully sony will make some money of this new ps2.

Gears Of Wars 2 Single player Screen shots

Wow this game to me looks the same as gears 1 i don't see any difference
in the graphics this looks just like gears 1. maybe the game play will be different
who knows till then we are punished by looking at limited screen shots.